Saturday, November 05, 2005


Where you watching the MTV european music awards?
Did you see System Of A Down playing at the the end?
Did they suck or was it just me?
Take the red pill, and you, Neo, can find out just how deep the rabbit hole goes.

No offence, They're a great band but that could have been better.


Dillon said...

They could have chosen an easier song

Angus said...

Sarah its SYSTEM OF A(yes thats right A not THE)DOWN

Dillon said...

Well, have ever actually heard them or, like Greenday, you've only heard a bit and you're judging them on that

Anonymous said...

did you see Greenday on Tv last night I dont expect you did BBC1 Friday Night with jonathon ross- not a cool enough prog. and on at 10:30!!!

Dillon said...
