Friday, March 31, 2006

Boo yeah

I got the coolest controlls for the site. There's the change colour thing in the sidebar, the change title thing, the moving text and the radio buttons. Dam they're cool. PS please comment, I dont know where you have all gone!


Anonymous said...

I comment frequently. You keep posting we'll keep commenting. Sam and Fred have gone to Las Vegas this weekend amongst other things they is going to see Elton John probably not cool enough for you.

Dillon said...

i see

Sam said...

we havent gone yet, leaving in 45 minutes.

Vegas is cool, but not for for children or even teenagers.

did you get your tshirt yet dill?

Angus said...

Hey dillon I replaced the I power blogger link with a link to your site and would you use the ill temered sea bass as my link