Friday, October 13, 2006


Yo! my blogging mojo is back! i could give you a day to day account of what i've been doing away from the casual bloggers eye but that would put everyone to sleep, lower productivity by 72% and therefore cost everyone their job and many people their lives. and thats bad.
so in brief ive been sailing, in the Czech Republic ,camping ,going to school, going to Dun Laoghire, going to toms house, mountainbiking and skateboarding. All of this and of course the ongoing search for a reasonably priced top hat.
on the computer however, under my many avatars (karatekid samas, dillonosullivan, walkin dude and angry nudist) i've been delving deep into the 3d modelling world with predictable results: widespread death and destruction. here are some of my most recent modeling attempts on 3dsmax 8:
This one could be a level of some kind...
This one a morning star, mace, flail thing..
this one a halloweeny graveyard..
and this one a yacht.
Hope you like, ill have more pictures soon no doubt.


Anonymous said...

How much do you charge for child labour?

Dillon said...

child labour? im not following, maybe i need a new cerebral cortex?

Sam said...

I mean - we could actually put you to work.

And - aren't you meant to be in bed by now? As well as your cerebral cortex needing a rest, I am sure you could do with some beauty sleep too.

Dillon said...


ChrisB said...

Dillon it's good to see you're back I will now have something new and exhilarating to read. You have been busy and very imaginative Grandma