Monday, October 16, 2006

whoa..slow down there cowboy!

In the last day my whole family seems to have gone 'blog crazy'. Does anyone else have this problem? One minute you're a fully functioning family and the next you're all 'blog crazy'. I cant even fit in my customary couple of hours on the computer because everyone else is hogging the dam thing and mollie seems to be doing it just for the heck of it as she's always running around saying "what will i do? i dont know what to do". I'm supposed to be the family nerd dammit, me! and dont y'all forget it!

In keeping with my nerdy ways i've decided to give 'greebling' a shot, 'greebling' is the method of covering an object with random detail to make it more interesting and was first used widely by I.L.M. on Star Wars. Here's what happened when i gave it a shot:
I can almost imagine it;"as thay flew through the tiny gap in the ships hull the were confronted by a city of epic proportions, buildings lined the floor, walls and even the roof..." The perfect homemade sci-fi!!
Also i've pretty much finished that mech, i suck at texturing but here are a few shots...


Sam said...

As you might know, Dillon, your auntie sam worked at ILM for over 5 years including 2 Star Wars movies and she has never heard of greebling.

Fred still works there and he has credits on no less than 3 Star Wars movies and he has never heard of it either.

I'll request he does some asking around about the method you describe.

Beccy said...

Dam Dillon you didn't take long to foil my plan!!!

Dillon said...

ILM called it 'guts on the outside' as well, and if you take a look its pretty abundant in the movies. admitedly star wars greebling wasnt quite as random as mine but its the same principle...

ChrisB said...

You've lost me but I continue to be impressed and you are my favourite Nerd especially for helping me sort out my blog.
PS I thought you told me not to change to betablog? and now you have all done so and I am lagging behind as usual. Auntie Sam has been telling me to change for ages so I guess now is the time. Grandma